Virtual Interview Essentials: Tips for Making a Great First Impression Online

Today, about 90% of hiring professionals use virtual job interview tools to conduct interviews with potential candidates. Virtual interviews can often feel awkward and daunting due to the lack of in-person interaction and the challenges of communicating effectively through a screen, amplifying the importance of preparation and confidence. Minetum has crafted some tips and tricks to help you master your virtual interview and leave a lasting impression. 

  1. Professional Appearance and Environment: Your appearance and environment in which you do your interview is the first thing an interviewer will notice when conducting an online interview. It is important that you are “dressed for success” and look professional for your interview. Additionally your environment should be professional. Make sure there are no signs or distractions that may draw attention to those rather than you during the interview. 
  2. Technology test: It is always important to test the device that you are taking your interview on before the interview starts. Make sure you have the required software and applications downloaded before the interview starts to prevent any delays. 
  3. Body language: Having confident body language will convey your positivity and enthusiasm during the interview. Make sure you are sitting up straight, smiling, acknowledging what the interview is saying and maintain eye contact. This will convey that you are interested and listening to what the interviewer is saying.
  4. Research and Prepare Questions: Knowing the who and what the company you are applying for a position is imperative. Additionally, understanding the role you are applying for is important. This will help you prepare for questions they may ask you as well as prepare questions you may want to ask the company such as questions about the role you are applying for. You can also match your skills and experiences to the job description and the company’s values to show your interest and dedication to the interview. 
  5. Follow up email: When the interview has ended make sure to email the interviewer saying thank you to show your gratitude. Send a thank-you email or note promptly after the interview to express appreciation for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position.

If you are looking for a confidence boost and need help tackling interview tips contact Minetum! Minetum offers a 3 Month Career Coaching Program that helps you prepare for interviews with mock interviews and helps you tailor your resume and skills to specific job opportunities.