Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Common Roadblocks in Your Career Journey

When moving through your professional career, it is normal to discover various roadblocks that make you feel stuck or lost. Sometimes it is hard to pull ourselves out of these scenarios and find your momentum again. At Minetum, we believe these are part of growing and would love to assist you in finding ways toContinue reading "Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Common Roadblocks in Your Career Journey"

Navigating Success in the New Year with Minetum Consulting

As the calendar turns to a new year, we have the unique opportunity to set resolutions that can pave the way for success and personal growth. However, these resolutions are far too often forgotten; Time Magazine reports that by February, 80% of people are thought to have broken their New Year's resolutions. In this post,Continue reading "Navigating Success in the New Year with Minetum Consulting"

Celebrating the Success of Minetum’s Internship Stars at UT

As we bid farewell to another inspiring semester, we're excited to share the remarkable journey of Minetum's talented team of interns, who have just completed their internship with us. Their dedication and achievements have truly left an impact on our organization and, undoubtedly, the University of Tampa's community. Outstanding Accomplishments Our interns have not onlyContinue reading "Celebrating the Success of Minetum’s Internship Stars at UT"

Navigating a Stress-Free Yet Productive Holiday Season at Work

The holiday season is upon us, bringing with it a mix of joy, festivities, and, for many of us, the challenge of maintaining productivity amidst the celebrations. At Minetum Consulting, we understand the importance of achieving a delicate balance between work and holiday cheer. In this blog post, we share some valuable insights on howContinue reading "Navigating a Stress-Free Yet Productive Holiday Season at Work"

Triumph Across Platforms: From TikTok to LinkedIn 

In the dynamic world of personal branding, the ability to seamlessly transition between platforms like TikTok and LinkedIn is a valuable skill. Whether you are applying to jobs, looking to build your network, your online presence is often the first thing that people see. In a survey conducted by The Harris Poll, 70 percent ofContinue reading "Triumph Across Platforms: From TikTok to LinkedIn "

Mastering the Art of Negotiation: A Guide to Securing the Salary You Deserve

Whether you're embarking on a new job opportunity, seeking a well-deserved raise, or navigating a promotion, negotiation can be a powerful tool in shaping your financial future. However, for many individuals, the idea of discussing compensation can be daunting and uncomfortable. According to an Indeed survey: only 19% of workers are comfortable with their currentContinue reading "Mastering the Art of Negotiation: A Guide to Securing the Salary You Deserve"

Defeating Procrastination Today for a Productive Future

Students and professionals often encounter a common problem that inhibits personal and career growth: procrastination. Procrastination is a challenge we have all faced at one point or another. A study done by the American Psychological Association showed that around 20% of adults procrastinate chronically and 50% of college students procrastinate consistently. In this blog post,Continue reading "Defeating Procrastination Today for a Productive Future"

The Art of Networking: Building Meaningful Connections in Your Industry

In the businessworld, networking is crucial for success. According to HubSpot, 85% of jobs are filled through networking. This isn't just about meeting people, it's a deliberate and smart process of creating and nurturing professional relationships. The goal is to open up opportunities, share knowledge, and help each other grow in the business world. It'sContinue reading "The Art of Networking: Building Meaningful Connections in Your Industry"

How 4 Simple ChatGPT Dos And Don’ts Can Help You Succeed

When ChatGPT launched, it skyrocketed in popularity. ChatGPT was the fastest growing consumer app of all time. In less than two months it had more than 100 million monthly users. In today's always changing job market, it's important to adapt to new technology and understand how to best use new technology. Not knowing how toContinue reading "How 4 Simple ChatGPT Dos And Don’ts Can Help You Succeed"

6 Life-Saving Acts to Tame your Wild Schedule

6 Life-Saving Acts to Tame your Wild Schedule It is estimated that 90% of college students procrastinate. As a college student, we understand the difficulty with balancing school and extracurricular activities. It is normal to feel overwhelmed with trying to accommodate class work, social events, work, and self-care. There are plenty of people who struggleContinue reading "6 Life-Saving Acts to Tame your Wild Schedule"

Soft Skills 101: How to Elevate your Career with Soft Skills 

Highlight Soft Skills on Your Resume. Your resume is where potential employers will form their first impression of you making it a great place for you to showcase those soft skills. Before you start to write your resume, identify which soft skills are relevant for the position you are applying for. Demonstrating Soft Skills in an Interview. Interviews are your chance to demonstrate your soft skills. Employers often interview many candidates and evaluate soft skills in order to select the best person for the job. Good communication is a soft skill that employers look for.

College Adventures: Discovering New Hobbies and Interests

According to a recent study performed by American College Health Association (ACHA) 45% of American college students claimed to undergo “more than average stress”. A lot of students struggle to navigate their time in college and to find a clear purpose and direction for when they graduate. They find it difficult to manage their time,Continue reading "College Adventures: Discovering New Hobbies and Interests"

Discovering Purpose: Navigating the Quest for Meaningful Work

The importance of finding meaning in work and the way leaders play a pivotal role in facilitating this process is often something that is overlooked. Regardless of peoples position or salary, people's job satisfaction isn’t solely dependent on external factors. Every individual thrives in different environments, some thrive in challenging and unfavorable environments. Meaning isContinue reading "Discovering Purpose: Navigating the Quest for Meaningful Work"

Building Strong Teams: Strategies to Success

In order to thrive in today's dynamic and competitive business world, building a strong team is essential. Everyone wants to work in a place that promotes a positive work environment, achieves organizational goals and ensures the well being and growth of each individual team member. This starts with a deep understanding of each individual, includingContinue reading "Building Strong Teams: Strategies to Success"

Reigniting Your College Spark: Strategies to Prevent Burnout

It can be a struggle to stay motivated throughout college; it feels like the homework, projects, and exams will never end. After COVID-19, college students could slack a little and attend class from the comfort of their beds wearing pajamas. Covid pushed an already socially anxious generation into more social anxiety because we made itContinue reading "Reigniting Your College Spark: Strategies to Prevent Burnout"

Minetum Consulting: Celebrating Four Years of Transformational Success

Dear readers and valued clients, Today, we are thrilled to celebrate a significant milestone that holds special meaning for us - the fourth anniversary of our journey in the world of management consulting and professional coaching. It's been an incredible ride filled with growth, learning, and transformative experiences, and we are honored to have youContinue reading "Minetum Consulting: Celebrating Four Years of Transformational Success"

Mastering the Art of Leadership: The Key Role of Effective Communication

In today's workplace, communication is a prominent and essential element. Whether it be online or in person, communication is a skill that allows one to succeed in any workplace leadership role. No matter the industry, professional communication is going to play a big factor in meetings, decision making, business proposals, and engaging with clients, colleaguesContinue reading "Mastering the Art of Leadership: The Key Role of Effective Communication"

How to Ditch Being a People Pleaser and Achieve Your Career Goals

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by thinking about your future career. People constantly ask where you see yourself in 5 years or what new internship you have lined up. Most of us don’t have everything figured out, and that’s okay. In today’s society, we are constantly comparing ourselves to one another, whether socially or professionally.Continue reading "How to Ditch Being a People Pleaser and Achieve Your Career Goals"